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Furniture Recycling

According to Waste & Resource Action Programme (WRAP), it is estimated that 1.2 million office desks and 1.8 million office chairs end up in land fill every year, making it the most common way to dispose of old or unwanted furniture.

re.think Furniture Recycling is another major part of the first pillar to the re.think programme, providing access to a nationwide collection and recycling service for our customers as a simple, sustainable solution for the disposal of old or unwanted furniture. Collections can be made either from your warehouse, or from your customer during delivery of new furniture.

Through this scheme, any furniture we collect is returned to our re.think depot and is stripped down, segregated, and fully recycled – avoiding landfill. We handle every part of the process, so our dealers don’t have to lift a finger. With re.think, our dealers and partners can offer their valued customers a fantastic, sustainable furniture disposal solution at a fraction of the cost usually associated with waste management.

For efficient recycling, we dismantle each product and segregate the materials as follows:



Board types are segregated and recycled in various ways. Much of the material here goes off-site to large biomass burners which generate green energy, while some is used within our own on-site biomass burner to generate heat for our factories.


There are two main metals used in office furniture: steel and aluminium. These materials are separated and can be recycled many times over.


Using the Plastics Industry Association’s coding system, in accordance with ISO11469:2016, we can easily identify the various plastics. These categories allow clearer segregation for improved recyclability. Each of these plastics are converted to pellets and can be re-used to produce new products.


Fabric is segregated into Vinyl, Synthetic and Wool. Wool is returned to our fabric supplier on a closed loop recycle chain. Vinyl and Synthetics are segregated and bailed to be recycled and re-processed.


Any foam that can be removed from the product is returned to our foam supplier on a closed loop recycle chain, and is put back into the manufacturing process. As with fabric, any foam that cannot be removed is segregated and disposed of via a regulated supplier.

How it works

To access this service, use the adjacent table to identify the product classification, quantity, and collection address, then raise an order through your usual process - and we will do the rest.

Code Waste
1 RET-01 Desking and tables
2 RET-02 Drawer unit
3 RET-03 Task/conference chair
4 RET-04 Soft seating (per seat)
5 RET-05 Steel storage
6 RET-06 Wooden storage
7 RET-07 Screens

Upon completion of a recycling order, you will receive a re.think recycling report highlighting the number of items you have saved from landfill and the CO2 saving achieved from this process.

For a full breakdown of our recycling costs, please ask your account manager.

Contact Us

Dams Furniture Ltd
Charley Wood Road
Knowsley Industrial Park
L33 7SG


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