Page 5 - Dams 2024 Furniture Guide
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 Made in the UK
Our proud history covers over 50 years of manufacturing in the UK office furniture industry. What we do, we do well, with a focused approach to producing quality, design-led products and developing the skills needed for the office furniture industry of the future.
Our UK manufacturing operations are made up of a wood mill and upholstery factory, and quality is an integral part of what we do as we test and certify our products with the industry leading organisations such as FIRA and SATRA.
  Corporate social responsibility
We care about what we do, and we’re committed to reducing our carbon footprint and minimising our environmental impact on the planet, while recognising our corporate social responsibilities with our charity work in the local area.
Dams are on track to achieve Netzero carbon status by 2035 – well in advance of global government targets, and we’re constantly striving to find new ways in which we can engage with local communities to improve people’s lives.

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