Page 8 - 2025 Catalogue
P. 8

r e.t hi n k.
Like many, we are hot on sustainability. Unlike many, we provide a co mplete, sustainable waste manage ment service ontop of everything else
Throughre.think, werecycle orreuse both waste packaging and old o fficefurniture,regardlessif it belongedto us originally- because we don’t wanttojustreduce our o wn carbonfootprint, but y o ur s t o o.
Re.think provides our custo mers with an easy-to- access, hassle-free, andlo w-cost wayto dispose of waste; we handle collection, processing, and sustainable disposal, so –our dealers’ hands can befreeto handle everything else.
You, Or Co me
We can deliverto your warehouset wice a week, with no mini mu m order value and no delivery charge. Take advantage of alate 4p m cut-offiti me, establishedto ensure you can ofier your custo mer a quick,reliable delivery service - no matter where you are basedin the UK.
If you don’t have a warehouse, you can arrangeto collectfro m one ofthe seven strategicallylocated collection centres we have acrossthe UK.

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