Page 152 - 2025 Catalogue
P. 152

 n s i o n ng
kes rnals
A n t i - T i l t Pr o d u ct
L o L co c k k i i n n g g
100 % Extension
Fully SuApsplsiedmbled
with shelves
D r a w e r AntiC-aTilpatcity
40 KG
Dra wer 80Ca%pacity
100% LIFETI ME35
Dra wer Capacity
40 KG
Dra wer Capacity
Syste ms storage cupboards with alu miniu mta mbour doors offer secure,
space-saving solutions.
T h e d o o r s r e t r a c t s m o o t h l y intothe unit,leaving o ffice walk ways clear, andthe cupboards are suppliedfully asse mbledto meet
all your ffling needs.
470 m m deep cupboard with ta mbour doors supplied with no shelves
Sliding doubleta mbour design saves space withfully lockable doors
Canbeffitted withallsystems internal fit mentsfor an advanced
storage solution
Approvedto British Standards B S E N 1 4 0 7 3 p art s 2 & 3 a n d BSEN14074
(B L ) (G N ) (O R ) Please add storage ffinish when ordering eg. DST40 in Silver/Beech =DST40SB
10 Years
6 7 8 93510 KG
1 0 0 %
Extension Suspension
Fully Asse mbled
Supplied with shelves
80 %
TaEkxetsension Takes Internals
I nt er n al s
Bl a c k (K )
Gr e y (G )
Sil v er (S )
W hit e (W H )
Sil v er/ B e e c h (S B )
Bl u e Gr e e n Or a n g e
R e d (R )
Y ell o w (Y E )
CODE W D H STOCKED MTO1 MTO2 DST40 1000 470 1000 £787 £891 £906 DST65 1000 470 1570 £870 £968 £984 DST78 1000 470 1970 £942 £1015 £1035
Syste m Storage┃ Ta mbours
5 week leadti me
5 week leadti me

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