Page 146 - 2025 Catalogue
P. 146

 nsion n g
kes rnals
100 %
E xt e n si o n
Anti-Tilt Pr o d u ct
Fully Asse mbled
1 4 4
Pl e a s e a d d st or a g e ffi ni s h w h e n or d eri n g e g. C A D 8 0 0 R H i n Gr e y = C A D 8 0 0 R H- G
330 w
80h 80h
warranty 9 10
245 h
245 h
Supplied with shelves
80 % Extension
430 m m deep open shelf and 390 m m deep dra wers
B C A D- P D
B C A D- P D
5 week leadti me
4 2 0
Bl a c k (K )
4 4 0
5 0
Bl u e (B L )
£ 1 8 2
Gr e e n (G N )
£ 1 9 6
£ 2 1 3
Gr e y (G )
£ 2 4 3
Or a n g e (O R )
£ 2 6 9
35 KG
Drawer C a p a cit y
40 KG
Drawer Capacity
Internal Di mensions
The caddyis aninnovative, multifunctional mobile storageunit withtwobox
sections, alockable pedestal, and a shelving unit. Co mpact and mobile,it offers space- saving solutions withthe option of a seat padfor
te mporary visitor seatingin any workspace.
Versatile under-desk storage solutionsto keepthe work area uncluttered
Offiersfiexibility withrotating castorsto easily position under the work surface
An attractive,functional and versatile additionto any vibrant, agile work space
Fully upholstered 50 m m seat padkitoption withaseat cushion onthetop
CODE WDHMTO CAD800LH 800 440 567 £1337 CAD800RH 800 440 567 £1337
CODE W D H BandA BandB BandC BandD BandE
Universal┃ Caddy Units
330 w
R e d (R )
Sil v er (S )
W hit e (W H )
Y ell o w (Y E )

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